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Test your signature/avatar here
Test  8)
I changed it as i thought it was too plain :D
test!  :+
Please do not use such idiotically large signatures here.
It will fuck up the whole forum.
Indeed some sigs are way too large and thus screwing up the layout a bit. Stick to 100px length max please.

my length is under 100px i think
if not 100px
what about the height is mine ok?
Nope yours is 200, since there are no rules about it yet you can keep it, but I find very long signatures annoying and most of the times ugly. BTW I cant even see what your signature says, dark on dark isnt really readable.
Stef means the height of the image max 100 px.
And I agree with that, 100 is fine.
But do not try to make a signature which has a 100px hight, and 5000 width :+
I guess you should try to stay within 100x500px.

A little bit larger isn't a problem, but with a signature off 200x400 you have for example 2 lines text in a post, without smileys.
The text is ~16px per line, so 2 lines makes 32px height, for the text.
This means that your signature is 6.25 times bigger. I think thats a little bit too much :)

And yes, I know that a lot of gamesites allow you to use 500x500 signatures. And they all suck.
You can't read the normal text anymore because all picture spam.
Someone knows maths. :D
testing one two
Fixed the size, different theme too  :>