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fek off slein!!!
Well, I was waiting for this to come up. The way I recall it was you non-stop spamming the admin chat about getting tempd. I asked you to stop, many, MANY times. However you persisted. Dennis came in-game and you started spamming him about it, then Dennis muted you. Again you started to spam the admin chat and I asked you to stop, AGAIN, but did you? No..

You claimed you were talking to Dennis when I know for a fact that you were not. All you were doing was making it hard to see reports from people that actually need help. You have been EXTREMELY annoying, in, and out of game. You deserved the kick. And FYI, asking to be tempd only makes sure that you won't be. I'm not sure how you don't know that as it's posted in game about every 5 mins. "Do not ask to be an Admin or Mod, we invite them". Also, calling a member of management (you know, the people that RUN this server you love so much) a "n00b" is generally not a good idea when your asking to be unbanned.  8)7
Unbanned after some pm's.