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I love this server but Im banned..
Nickname: [SLO]Kim
Date of the ban: 21.12.2006, 16.20 PM GMT
Suspected Reason: Invincible, Health-hacker ? Friend told me that someone said that :?
Your IP address:
Admin that banned you: Didn't see friend told me that i was kicked and i left the game

Extra Notes: I was playing with friend, making some big business, because i love to make big deals in this game...and when i came on "admins place" i started to attack because i know that you guys are rich and it looks that someone thought that he pumped me with shotgun 2 times but that's not true!I was pumped just one time and then I went in the car...and when I finally left that area he should see that was the smoke from the car because of shooting it..I'm not the cheater and I report any cheaters when I see them !
Thank you for trust if you guys will unban me.

I don't see you banned at this moment.
I guess another admin unbanned you already.

If not, we will hear from you :)
yes I was unbanned but 10mins ago(18.40 GMT)  I was banned again... :?
Its all ok now it works perfectly :7 Thanks anyway for help :) :>