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Game Server Control Panel?

I need a simple Control Panel that people can shut down/restart/start their server and upload their files.

What is the best (FREE) game control panel for that.. ?

Thanks,Rambo  :P
what kind of sever ?
samp sever ?
Yes, Someone can answer my question  :7 ?
There isn't really such a thing afaik - if you don't understand how to use FTP / SSH, you shouldn't be trying to run a game server..
uhm.. there is one on the sa-mp forums, search for "control panel" :+

don't fuck up your server though o/

-oost 8)
hehe.. @ tomozj. i know how to use and run a FTP server..

oostcoast.. i cant find anything  :'(
What about ssh? You need both to control.. :>
(10-24-2008, 07:47 PM)rambo6(DC) link Wrote: oostcoast.. i cant find anything  :'(
:+ learn to search.

nevermind.. plan = canceld to much work :P  _O-
Lazy ass.