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B&A server
Well it's about time I made a post on this. As you know I recently changed roles in B&A to become the server development leader, so this will be an update on the progress made so far. It's also the chance for you to post some ideas you would like to see added to the server in the future. I  have seen most of you on the server at least once before, but there are some others that have yet to try it out. It's not just a server for training, but also to have fun and chill out.


For those of you that join the server you will notice that it is mostly locked with a (usually random) password. This is really to prevent players joining whilst the developers are testing a new feature or attempting to fix bugs without interruption. However, I have since decided to permanently lock the server and to only allow access to B&A members, friends of the gang or LVP staff. The password to join the server when it is open for play will be set to: clownage

If players join who are not wanted the password will be changed, so I suggest this password stays in this subforum.

Here's the server IP if you don't already have it:
Server IP:

If the server is online and you cannot join then it may be the case that it is locked with a different password during stages of testing. Once the testing is completed the server will be set with the above password again and you should then be able to join.

I should point out that at the moment this server only has local hosting on my computer and so the pings will not be great. Permanent 100Mbit hosting would be fantastic, but this costs money. Perhaps some of you already have hosting that can accomodate the server? If you do then send me a PM :+

Server echo
Yes, we have a server echo channel on IRC that you can find at #B&A.echo
I recommend (if you don't already use it) that you install mIRC and join this channel. From there you will be be able to send messages to the server, read in-game chat and it's also handy if you're having problems connecting as you can ask from there too.

Here are the basic commands available from the IRC channel:

!say yourmessage
!players (list the online players)
!pm yourmessage (requires voice (+) or above on the channel)

From in-game you can also use the command /bna yourmessage to send messages to the #B&A channel.

Server crew
The current server crew were chosen for either being there are the start of the server and helping with the bug testing or they are part of the B&A leader team (of course developers have automatic rights over everyone else):

Jamee!Rocks! (Admin)
Salvo (Admin)
AzErTy.(Be) (Admin)
deguz (Admin)
tomozj (Moderator)
Og_Tez (Moderator)

Server features
At the moment the development team is small (only Ghost, Buhu. and myself) and so developing new features takes some time. All of this has been written from scratch - no shortcuts. There are lots of standard commands in-game (for teleporting, banking etc). Listed below are some of the main server features:

-Complete admin system-
Leveled admin system with 4 distinct levels: Player, Moderator, Administrator, Pro-Administrator (Developer). Lots of moderator and administrator commands >:).

-Scripted Fight Club-
Automated arranged fights between players with prize money system and bonuses.
Planned additions: Betting system and team battles (2 vs 2).

-Vehicle hire system-
Currently you can only hire monster trucks. This may be expanded.

-Phone system-
Slightly different to the system used in LVP. Phone calls are charged ($25 connection fee, $15/min thereafter). Phone can be customised with different ringtones (saved to your profile) and even switched off completely. Off-topic: Salvo and I had some fun with this!

-Go-Kart race-
Clowny-style race with a set number of laps, race stats (lap records, race records etc).
Planned additions: More races with different vehicles.

-Advanced property system-
This is a relatively new feature. Properties are divided into residential and commercial groups. Residential properties available for purchase will remain yours until you decide to put them up for sale and they are bought by another player. Payment for residential properties you sell is sent directly to your bank account, so you can be paid even when you're not in-game! Commercial properties will generate income and are temporary ownership. Administrators can create new properties on-the-fly and move current ones to new positions.

-Camera positioning system-
This tool was developed for filming purposes and allows you to film yourself from angles that are not normally possible. Players can be given access to this if they need it, simply ask one of the administrators.

Still reading this? Well done! :P

New proposed features
- Capture the flag, Assault and Domination team minigames (If you're familiar with FPS games you'll know what these mean.)
- Clownage mode
[***Your ideas here***]

Ok well that's about it for now. Please leave your comments and suggestions (especially if you have any cool features you might like to see added to the server). Perhaps Salvo can make this topic sticky :+. Hope to see you on the server!

Best Wishes,

nice nice server is getting better and better! keep up the good work ronald!
nice work ronald !!!
U do alot for B&A h00ligans !!!  :+
Thx for all !
Cool im admin  :)  ;)  :P
I'll join now ;) didnt play it since a long time

Good job and thx for the works :)
i think it would be nicer if we meet us on the server 1 day.......^^höhö
Me was wondering, you know my base place :P We should have infiltrate the base and if you capture it you own it ;) You have to stand in it for a minute and you can't buy it. ;) Get what i mean? :P