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[Unbanned] Banned for interrupting on a filming location or something...
Nickname: fat0
Date of the ban: 1 May 2007, between 14.00 and 18.00 GMT +1 i think
Suspected Reason: I interrupted some ppl while they were filming.
Your IP address:
Admin that banned you: Rippance i think

Chaoswolf was filming something and they were at the big jump in LV desert when I was watching them with someone else from a heli ( notice we didn't interrupt them or something). Then one of them shot the heli causing the dead of most ppl and players arround there. Then they sort of came back there and i ctped to one of them to participate on the jump. Bam i was banned o.0...
I understand that this sort of interrupting isnt ok, and im ok with getting kicked for it, but u dont have to ban me right away IMO ...

pls unban

Probably it couldve been a serverflood bug aswell, because it only said kicked that day. But anyway....

As i recall i kicked you yesterday after multiple warnings, and fixed your account twice because you killed persons in the film and were constant in the filming area, over and over. Some more clowns were a constant pain in the ass, annoying both many admins (who participated in chaos's film) and Chaos himself.

Reading this topic, i see you did the same today. I can only agree on the ban, make it 24 hours as far as im concerned.
Errrr hold on a second? Why do u say i did it again today ?? It's not true . How should i if i cant join the server? And how did i get banned if u only kicked me ?? Plus, i didn't kill anyone at the film. Im pretty much sure about that. So pls unban...

EDIT: Thx to fireburn and nakebod  :)
Well I was around at the filmset but I didn't kick or ban anyone there, not even you ;D
I just heard you got banned for a join flood, but now your unbanned.

Case closed.  ;)