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[BUG] Anti-flood needs 2 get fixed.
Many members on LVP got kicked for joining the server (i was one of them) and I can assure u that they are not flooders. It would be great if you sort this problem out.

Thank you.
But as you said when you did, you don't really get kicked :?
i got banned frim it.....

If you do reply to a bug, please provide as much information as possible.
If you found the same bug, please add a report to the topic with the information as requested here.
The LVP admins on IRC can see directly who is banned because of a join flood. When they see that it’s a person who really isn’t flooding then they un ban directly.

So you get banned for 30 seconds. I think that’s better then crashing the whole server by flooders witch will cause more problems.
This bug is known and will be solved as soon as possible.