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SAB Clan [Sexy Ass Bananas]
SAB clan, or Sexy Ass Bananas, is a new clan on Sa-Mp

This is a new clan that NK_Gangste told me about  :)

Leader: jtg91
Co-Founder: NK_Gangsta

they'll be usin the [SAB] Tag infront of their names, i discussed with NK_gangsta that maybe, when CT goes on other servers with SAB , that we put [CT] infront of our names  :) (but not on LVP)
Anyway, we discussed and SAB wants to be allies (and we can use some against those bastards from cl0wns and OnB u know) so i agree, Jay i only need ur opinion now about it  :)

anyway , it has around 20 members now, and CT has in total around 50 i think
so this can work very nice  :+ cuz we all Hate B&A and OnB!

they also have an own webpage : www.SABclan.com, so now , all register there :P

Anyway, i wish em good luck, and this'll be very cool  :> [glow=red,2,300]Sexy Ass Bananas[/glow] [glow=green,2,300]ColdThugZ[/glow] 4 Life

post later for more news

greetz General Makaveli  :+ Co Leader
Thats a nice idea! I like it! What do the rest of the council think? Bandit? Killerbee? cave? Do you agree? :P
Yep i think this is dead as meat  :+ Il' check their subforum but i think we died, and i don't hear shit from NK anyway

EDIT: yep i don't see any replies anymore at that forum
ok good idea, but why they are never online?
btw i never seen them be4 :S