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Sniper Bug
This bug has been around awhile, its the one where it says there is a sniper minigame in progress, and there isnt anybody dming.

If someone quits the game. They are not 'signed' out of the minigame properly. the game still thinks that player is playing it. this causes this bug. If you don't get what im saying Ill explain further in detail later.
So you are saying it happens when somebody /leaves? We tried two methods, opening up any empty minigames every 60 seconds like the race handler, and fixing up /leave, but none worked. The minigame handler is really hard to read and in a mess so it makes fixing these things harder. And since we have no idea whatsoever what is the exact problem, it makes it harder to test as-well.

Can you explain what you think causes it in a little more detail? Would be great.

What's odd is when I fixed this, it was fine when testing.. however this bug keeps coming back.

Do you mean when someone starts the minigame and uses /leave instantly it renders the minigame permanently in-use?
noo, nothing to do with /leave. I mean when someone quits the server, the minigame still thinks that player is in the minigame.
Ah, alright. Added to our bug tracker.
