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LVP 3.0 Admin Documentation
And we're already start with documenting the gamemode! :)
  • Game Setting Commands
    •   [li]/game time [mode/hour]
      Change the currently active in-game timemode. Timemode can be "real" - for realtime, based on GMT, "fast" for a faster time, one real hour is one day in-game, "random" for a random time and [0-24] to fixate a specific hour.
    • /game weather [mode/id]
      This command can be used to change the in-game weather. Modes include "real" for realistic weather, "fast" is the same as real, but twice as fast, "random" for random weather and [0-45] to fixate on a specific weather ID.
    • /game gravity [amount]
      Change the in-game gravity. The normal gravity setting is 0.008, you're able to change it from 0.0001 to 1.0. Please keep in mind that setting it to 1.0 is suicide - noone can jump, cars fall through the road and you can't spawn.
    • /game set admintp [on/off]
      Allow or disallow admin teleporting. Admins can teleport by going to Esc -> Map, and right clicking anyware on the map. The system is linked to our own
      admin system.
    • /game set fightint [on/off]
      Allow players to fight in interiors (the Ammunation for example). I recommend leaving this option to off, it might be nice once every while during chases for example.
    • /game set tires [on/off]
      Enable the popping of tires. This means that people can shoot someone's tire, and it explodes. Very nice for RPG-periods, but dead annoying for times where someone is busy organising a cruise.
    • /game set dropweapons [on/off]
      When a player dies, should he drop his weapons on the ground, for others to pick up? Nice during deathmatch, it's server-wide though, so I'd recommend only using it during Deathmatch-games.
    • /game set markers [on/off]
      Display player-markers on the radar? Usually this is automaticly controlled by the game, but you can manually override those systems via this command.[br].
  • Vehicle Handler Commands
    •   [li]/vehicle create [modelID]
      Create a vehicle infront of you with the specified model ID. If you do not know the model ID, check out the getid function of the handler. Checks are done within the function to prevent anyone from crashing.
    • /vehicle destroy
      Destroy the vehicle you're currently in. Use this as little as possible, as the function still is very unstable, partitially because the SA:MP implentation of it isn't awesome.
    • /vehicle save
      After you create a vehicle, it's stored as a temporary vehicle. It'll be gone after a gamemode reload. Be sure to call this function if you want to change the vehicle for other sessions.
    • /vehicle getid [modelName]
      Get the ID of a specific vehicle ID. The name should be a short notation, one word. The right name for the Ambulance should be "ambulan". Play with it, and it'll get familiar with you soon enough.
    • /vehicle set color [color1] [color2]
      Change the color of the vehicle you're currently in. The colors can be anything between one and 126, for a list of color ID's, search the internet (start with the General reference on the SA:MP forums).
    • /vehicle set paintjob [0-4]
      Change the paintjob of the vehicle you're driving in. Usually you should pick ID 0 for the paintjob, but with vehicles like the Sultan higher paintjob ID's should be fine as well.
    • /vehicle set nitro [on/off]
      Give standard nitrogen to a vehicle. The vehicle will have nitrogen after each time the vehicle spawns, even after a gamemode restart. The nitrogen are 10 slots by the way.
    • /vehicle set interior [0-16]
      Change the standard interior of a specific vehicle, so it'll be possible to have derbies and races inside! The interior is automaticly set when spawning a vehicle with the create function.
    • /vehicle set invincible [on/off]
      You can choose to make a specific vehicle invincible, this means it cannot be destroyed. You really have to carefull with this function, as it's only meant for some cruises and missions![br]