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[Denied]Unban me
Nickname: [M2S]Shaka
Date of the ban: 22 June 2008, around 03 AM GMT
Suspected Reason: Ban Evading
Your IP address:

why was you put unbanned after already have denied? here you only ban unknown ppl because your friends are always unbanned's.
I need unban because i've been banned for stupid reason and i was been banned a long time ago ;) so dont be idiot.
Quote:This is definitely not the first time you joined LVP. You were here before as [BB]Shaka, on which you got banned for weaponcheats. I banned you for evading more then once, you only now felt the need to post.

Your appeal to be unbanned is denied.

I don't think a person in your position should say we are idiots at all, and , weaponcheat isn't a stupid reason to ban, it is stupid to use it.
And you were banned a long time ago and it will last.

denied, have fun on other servers !