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[S]idea for VIP Room campers
There was a topic about this but i forgot what it was titled and who made it, but anyway:

Maybe instead of moving the VIP entrance to another place, why not just make a command for it?

Some of you may think i mean where you just type /viproom anywhere and automatically get to it, but no.

I'm talking about once you go to VIP room marker (money sign thing) it gives you a msg like 'Welcome VIPs! Type /entervip (or any other command it would be) to enter the VIP room!'

1. it would tell new players what that is for,
2. it would stop major VIP campers from always getting away in combats,
3. would also stop complaints of such as 'omg VIP room campers' or something.

Or, make this new rule: you MUST have 3/4th your health to enter the VIP room. So if anyone took much damage in a fight and wanted to run, they couldn't.
Yeah it's kind of hard to find :O Third thread in the "open for discussion" forum