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[UNBANNED]Mike Banned
Nickname: Mike
Date of the ban:14th april 4:30gmt
Suspected Reason: Dont Know
Your IP address:
Admin that banned you: Dont know

what i did was
                                                                                                              windows key
back an hour later................
                                                                                                              clicked gta sanandreas in the task bar

I CLICKED RESUME, IT LOADED ALL THE SPEECH WHICH was saying while i was setting my mouse and then i continued then it said "you have been banned"


Hi, Im the admin that banned you. I banned you because I thought you had a moneycheat, but I believe your story, so your unbanned.

*** The IP Address has been unbanned

Sorry for the mistake, and have fun again ingame. :)

// Fireburn
Thank u vry vry much mate
