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[unbanned]Banned again.
Hi i just got banned for 'freezer disabler/hack' or something i donno what it is all i did was drive a car and then got teleported lots of times by buhu or someone and he killed me lots of times... this has been the second time i have been banned for doing nothing first time i got banned for heath hack when i lagged out or discconnected. could u unbanned plz =-(

Nickname: Saber
Date of the ban: 11 April 07 at 3:17am GMT
Suspected Reason: i think it was freezer hack or freezer disabler
Your IP address:  or http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=958.0
Admin that banned you: buhu or behu not sure his name

It looks like you were banned due to a bug. You're unbanned now.