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Nickname: ahx
Date of the ban: 8 April 2007, around 13:15Pm EST
Suspected Reason: Airbreak
Your IP address:
Admin that banned you: no idea

I have no clue wtf air break means.  I was exiting a car after slamming on the ebreak in front of the pirate ship.

Kind of weird, if you were just exiting a car. When I was spectating you I saw you hanging in the air moving around a bit!
If you have an explanation, I'd like to hear it :)

You can also come to IRC to discuss your ban. To connect to IRC and enter our channel use http://www.sa-mp.com/irc.cml and type /join #LVP.

i was not cheating what you saw i have no idea wtf it was but i certainly was not and never cheat in online games thats retarded.  I pm'd you on irc and would like to come back.
Alright. I unbanned you, as I trust you are telling me the truth. Have fun and play fair :)