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A command about gangs (suggestion)
Since this had quite a controversy, I would want it to be /leaderboard(or any other cmd). In /leaderboard, 2 options as gangs and Players(with maximum kills) would be there. Selecting the gang would show kills, Richest Gangs(based on amount of gbalance) and Recruits . Example 

Gang :-
Gang Kills (title dialog box)
Gang1 - 700 kills 
Gang2 - 678 kills

Prosperous Gang  (title dialog box)
Gang1 - 4Bill doll
Gang2 - ..

Gang Recruits(title dialog box)
Note: These excludes Leaders and managers
Gang1 - 18 Recruits
Gang2 - 11 Recruits

And more ideas from you guys.

Messages In This Thread
A command about gangs (suggestion) - by SneaX™ - 06-09-2020, 06:49 PM
RE: A command about gangs (suggestion) - by Specifer - 06-11-2020, 04:16 PM