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When 1 of your shoot hit the skin but still opponent doesnt take damage
(10-02-2017, 08:46 PM)Winnie Wrote: i played LVP for 1 hour killing noobs i noticed some tremendous amount of damage fluctuations, which was annoying as well as frustrating too... because sometimes my sawn'off's were giving shit tons of damage and sometimes it's giving zero damage on 4shots. 
Exactly this

DoctorG Wrote:We are not talking about desync in H3RO's case, you can clearly see him take damage from Muphin's shots. The problem is how little damage he takes.
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Neither are we talking about dmg.cs dude. If you were to know a little bit of what that hack does you would be able to realize it. If you want information in detail let me know, I will be happy to explain it to you. But the problem is that you should have asked for it before banning me.
We are talking about pure server sided lag combined with muphin's unreal lag, you need to realize it, just like most of us have realized it, including several staff members you do not want to listen to.

Messages In This Thread
RE: When 1 of your shoot hit the skin but still opponent doesnt take damage - by S0n1c - 10-02-2017, 08:52 PM