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When 1 of your shoot hit the skin but still opponent doesnt take damage
Hello, so here's my side of knowledge and analysis... so few days ago, i fought against some bunch of kids... and one of them was a player name 'Sasy' he/she wasn't taking any single damage. which was very suspicious... infact i reported that to in-game administrator immediately, so after some minutes administrator messaged me... 'you might be bugged try re-logging' at first that doesn't make any sense to me bcuz since LVP has such a great skin-hit sync system... which is not comparable to any other server till now, in my words i call it 'Perfect Skin-hit' so after that message i re-logged and afterwards everything went fine and smooth... bunch of kids were getting pwn and that 'Sasy' too... so basically my point is... the video what muphin gave is nothing but just a sync glitch, and the story i gave it's for instance that there's a problem in sync system... i played LVP for 1 hour killing noobs i noticed some tremendous amount of damage fluctuations, which was annoying as well as frustrating too... because sometimes my sawn'off's were giving shit tons of damage and sometimes it's giving zero damage on 4shots. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: When 1 of your shoot hit the skin but still opponent doesnt take damage - by Winnie - 10-02-2017, 08:46 PM