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George Gave Minigun to Jussica
Hi all my friend and dear fellows,

As i had a complain about George which made be disappointed.ok let me explain.We were fighting tonight Jussica me George and Ryper something like that.George Gave minigun to Jussica as she is not Admin/Manager.So as follow Dear Management Plz i dont want to se that again.If Jussica can get Then We can also get minigun its our right. so dear Managers or owner plz Talk with george.I also reported but no response.also Infinite Health jussica,Gorge gave her/him but still she was fighting.Whenever i take godmode from admins they said not fight,if you wanna fight then let me sure and I will tunr off your godmode.So Jussica should get godmode off while fight. ty

[img]<a href=[/img][Image: pSOwhtq.png]" />


Messages In This Thread
George Gave Minigun to Jussica - by TvP]AaYaNKhaLiD.eXe - 01-19-2017, 04:31 PM
RE: George Gave Minigun to Jussica - by George - 01-19-2017, 06:00 PM