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[BUG]LVP Radio
Hey guys I don't come onto LVP much anymore (stuck into gta v a bit) so i mainly just DJ here and there.

I was just on today and found that i was unable to stop the auto dj using !stopautodj ...  Mind you the auto dj was on at the time (the text that said this is your auto dee jay ...etc.) was coming appearing.. and it even said that the dj was LVP_Radio which usually is the auto dj.  anyway the bot said "the auto dj is not streaming please ask the current dj to stop streaming" which is odd cuz the auto dj was on.. i asked a few people in game.  

I just wanted to ask is this someones winamp nick or is it a bug with lego or the auto dj?

also is it possible to use virtual dj instead of winamp.. Its being suggested that its better in ways.

Tell me your thoughts on whats happening people!
Hi Shadows,

Another player mentioned this yesterday, and, if I remember rightly, this has happened a couple times before. Exactly what causes it, I don't know. With that said, I was able to fix it by killing the stream, and restarting it. You should now be able to !stopautodj in #LVP.Radio with no issues. If you do face any problems, feel free to post back here.