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[Event] LVP LEAGUE - SHOOTER AND WOUNDED [1 open season]
Great news [V]
We planing next week to fight at saturday and sunday maybe (two matches) vs [V] and [R2D].. but need to discuss.

Im personally want to make all matches randomly.. today is playin [R2D] vs [SWK] and btw if we will get our best line up would be cool to play too against someone after they do their match.. if they will be ok with it.
I want a big party or celebration of matches with many people and fun !!! many pics and video!!!!
and i made a schedule (abstract) just coz for push rest clans a bit on a first level of league...

I already asking [H] about to play this weekend againts you. They no answer yet.

Messages In This Thread
RE: LVP LEAGUE - SHOOTER AND WOUNDED [1 open season] - by QUIPT - 07-16-2016, 11:31 AM