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(06-06-2011, 09:23 PM)yungbo94 link Wrote: Bitch

best sig ever dude :P
(06-06-2011, 09:24 PM)MidNight link Wrote: best sig ever dude :P
Thanks to Kase :P. Thanks
(06-04-2011, 11:26 PM)Hybrid link Wrote: bot:May I ask you a question?
lol oh shyt hella funyy
Quote:Jabberwacky: Have you had too much to drink?

User: No.

Jabberwacky: Now you have.

[New conversation]

Jabberwacky: Do you like custard?

User: Yeah.

Jabberwacky: Yep! Especially in pie.

User: Ello.

Jabberwacky: Do you enjoy twilight?

User: No.

Jabberwacky: Why don't you enjoy people?

User: They are not human.

Jabberwacky: You're a human computer?

User: Pretty much.

Jabberwacky: Hello human.

User: Jello bot.

Jabberwacky: We are cleverbot.

User: Ok.

Jabberwacky: Literature. What are your thoughts on it?

User: Sucks.

Jabberwacky: I like them.

User: Good for you.

Jabberwacky: Good for me.

User: Yeah, who are you again?

Jabberwacky: Again.

User: Good one.

Jabberwacky: You're welcome.
So i gave it a try...looks like a pretty intelligent bot or a well payed person.  :Y

[Image: Untitled-1-4.jpg]
I've figured out that Cleverbot is a gay 16 year old boy :X

Quote:User: Are you a boy?

Cleverbot: Are you a girl?

User: No, but are you a boy?

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: So you aren't a girl?

Cleverbot: No, I am a girl.

User: So you're not a boy then?

Cleverbot: I'm not a bot.

User: Okay, but are you a boy or a girl?

Cleverbot: I'm a boy.

User: So you're not a girl?

Cleverbot: Of course.

User: So you're a male?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Not a female?

Cleverbot: Why did you say so?

User: I was asking, are you a girl?

Cleverbot: No.

User: What are you?

Cleverbot: A 16 year old boy.

User: Okay, do you want a boyfriend?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: So you don't want a girlfriend?

Cleverbot: You mean I don't have a boyfriend.

User: What.

Cleverbot: You don't seem very clever at all.

User: Do you want a boyfriend?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you want a girlfriend?

Cleverbot: I am a girl.

User: HELL.

Cleverbot: Good bye.

.. no wait
i was having on that site a quite long and pretty mature conversation just a hour ago, argubly the operator
was some chick from UK that likes metal but god knows whats behind all this, i think they also
randomly swtich the channels so it comes to confusions and so on to the funny parts,
as she was asking whats my name and then the channels got swtiched i think:

[Image: chuck.jpg]

one thing i definitly sure about it,
thats definitly not A.I. because they made usual tiping mistakes like "SEriously" or "bevome",
also some of theire things they said its just no chance of being a bot
The bot uses phrases and sentences from other people who have spoken to it. It contains logs and uses them to communicate. That's why there are typing mistakes, as people who've spoken to it before would have made typing mistakes.
Cleverbot: Where did you go to school?

User: I dont have to answer you!

Cleverbot: Then what would compel me to answer you?

User: I never told you to answer me. You just started this conversation!!!

Cleverbot: No, actually we started a while ago, we spoke about the weather.

User: No we never spoke about the weather. You brain is a mud.

Cleverbot: A woman.
but how does it know how to correctly respond to the current theme, to arguments or questions?
yea sometimes his responds are retareded but most of the time from my experience it was like talking
with somebody on IRC