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Nickname: Haledsas
Date of the ban: 28 January 2011
Suspected Reason: Avoid to death
Your IP address: Dynamic.

I don't know if it was a bug. but I'm aware of  my fault.

Thank you.

jerico banned you and he's not here at the moment, I hope he will reply to you soon.

Hi Haledsas,

It's not the first time you got banned for avoiding death with commands. I warned you several times ingame also. So instead of 2 days I will ban you for 3 days.

I'll hope when I will be ingame in the near future, I won't see any reports regarding you.

Since i banned you on 28/01/2011, you will be unbanned on 31/01/2011. Don't join the server till a crew member states over here that you are unbanned.

With kind regards,

Thanks. When I will be unbanned? its 1 of February