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I was banned just becose VooDoo scream with capslock "SOMEONE BAN THIS ROCO SHIPLAMER"  ..  hmmm  it was big lies n iam banned .
Nickname: Roco
Date of the ban: 02 december 2010, around 20 PM GMT
Suspected Reason: Ship
Your IP address:
You was banned by Gibbs for shiplaming, thus should wait for his reply.
You shiplamed and as I checked you have been banned for the same reason before, so that's why the lenght of the ban is 5 days, you will be unbanned on 7th November 7th December.

Do not try to enter the server before a crewmember states that you've been unbanned.
7th of November? Don't you think that's a bit long, Gibbs?
11 months ban. You shiplamers better be careful! :+
Hahaha oh man, Gibbs is just mad because he got into his teachers PC and saw nude pictures of her Husband!