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[C] Hitman
Good morning ladies and gentlement,
Today I have an announcement for each and everyone of you.
It has been quite a while that Hitman does some stuff that is not very nice to our community.

For example, I got banned 3 days by mrbondt. After a while, I asked matthias to unban me, and he did. Hitman decided to ban me for evading, even thought I told him that Matthias unbanned me, and after that matthias reunbanned me

And also, Weezy got muted in the forums for smiley spam, (by Hitman) and unmuted by Dennis because It wasn't a fair mute. Then Hitman decided to mute again. And Dennis reunmuted.

AsĀ  you can see the management fixes something(their management for a reason, because of their wise choices ect) and hitman, tries to the exact opposite thing that the higher level person did.

This doesnt happens with only Hitman, also with other low level crew members.

What I mean by this excerpt of undeniable facts, is that this game is a sacred game for us, and that every disturbance to our magnificent distraction, would it be insignificant or catastrophic shall be ultimately banned.

As for the ban/unban part: that was partly my fault. I should have added a note to your account but I forgot. For him it indeed looked as I never unbanned him, because I only removed rangebans.

As for the mute part: wait for Dennis to post here.
As Matthias already pointed out, Hitman apparently wasn't aware of the fact that you were unbanned by Matthias and decided to reban you. He could have checked that, but didn't do it (well enough).

As for the mute, Weezy got muted for "smiley spam". Hitman didn't do anything wrong there, but to me it was a case of overactive adminning. And because Weezy had already been muted for 2 or 3 days because of that, I unmuted. Hitman didn't agree and re-muted, but without contacting me. That's why I finally unmuted Weezy a second time and sent Hitman a pm to explain my action.

What Hitman did wrong was not communicating enough and just following his own mind. I think the situation has been resolved.