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Nickname: Humannator
Date of the ban: 2 august 2010, around 12 PM GMT
Suspected Reason: Flooding
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I know i was banned by flooding.
but it happend accidentaly...
I got a g15 Keyboard with Macro keys on it, at the side.
I got some of them programmed, and i accidentaly pressed one of them, this caused the spam on the chat.
It was a major accident and i will keep an eye on it next time so it won't happen again.
Sorry for the inconvinience
Hello there!
I don't understand why you would have such thing under a keybind-thingy. My vision of the situation is that you wanted to test it, because the text was complete nonsense. And even if it was an accident, you could have crashed our echo bots.
You are banned for 2 days.

Unban-date: 4th August around 12PM GMT.

Do not try to enter the server before you are unbanned, otherwise more time will be added to your ban-lenght. Post back here for your unban.
ok, Thnx Gibbs
But at the last line.
What do you mean with that?
Post back here for your unban?
By that I mean that if the time for your unban has come (4th August around 12PM GMT), then post here to let me know. Then you will be unbanned.
You may not enter the server before I reply to you that you have been unbanned.
Ok then ill post on the 4th of august at 12pm :D
[Image: 71483_logitech_g15_keyboard_5.jpg]
[Image: 2007.gif]

You might want to review http://www.sa-mp.nl/about/rules/gameserver.html as using the macro keys on a G-15 are considered to be a key-bind.
Quote:Cheating, following the definition "anything that gives you an unfair advantage over another player", is absolutely prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to speed-cheating, money-cheating, health- or weapon cheating and key-binds. This rule also applies to various semi-innocent explanations like relatives or friends installing it on your computer, testing- and trying cheats to see what they do or making a joke towards one of your friends. The general punishment is a life-time ban, regardless of your rank on Las Venturas Playground. The only exceptions to this rule are crewmembers when they first get instated, as we require them to know what they are fighting. This happens on isolated servers under strict Management moderation.
Seeing as Gibbs is handling your ban, it is his decision as to what this may mean for this ban, but considering this isn't a grievous violation, I'm sure he might be willing to still give you that 2nd chance.
i made a bind to bank all quick and withdraw my money from that bank.
Isn't that allowed either?
Nope it gives you an unfair advance over another player.

For example:

Someone tries to kill you because you have some money in the pocket and straight before he kills you you bank all of your money.

It just gives you an advantage over other players.
Yes, my decision remains the same, but I hope that you'll get rid of all such key-binds.