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Nickname: [T]HaLeDSaS
Date of the ban: Yesterday
Suspected Reason: Dont know why
Your IP address:

hi, my internet gone and come back, it said that i banned, unban pls  ;(
You seem not to be banned, try to reconnect again.
nothing again, try to unban my nick :'(
Giving us the wrong IP will indeed make us find nothing whilst you may be banned. Your IP is
I'm not on IRC right now so I can't unban you. But that's the IP for anyone who is^
my ip is dynamic, thats why i cant give it to u  8)7
You have no logs of a recent ban. And the IP estroe so kindly posted for you isn't banned either.

Try connecting again.
When I first entered the game in the water writes = server closed connection
Try now.