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You may see the ISS with the naked eye!
Yesterday night I woke up to drink something, where as I noticed a very bright light in the sky...and it was stunning to watch!  :+

I've found out that it was the ISS.

Here you can find out where and when you can see it:

Saw it saturday midnight to sunday! :)
Was a nice sight.
Yup, have seen it a again few minutes ago with my family. :)
Australia ftl :'(

hopefully i'll see it soon i guess :p
(06-29-2010, 01:01 AM)H0lden link Wrote: Australia ftl :'(

hopefully i'll see it soon i guess :p
We will never get it :+ Turkey ate it <3
Saw an bright constant light in the sky flying...it could be aliens. But my brains told me it was a plane who forgot to put their landing lights off.

What is so sensational? I watch the International Space Station since years ago, using http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/ and a little program which alerts me when I set it. But I don't take care, is boring, nothing sensational like how would be an alien spaceship...
Anyone who lives below the 40° parallel can see it everyday, in the morning or evening, or both. People who lives between 40° and 60° parallels can see it several days in the morning (1½ hours before sunrise), then several days can't see at all, then another several days can see it in the evenings (1½ hours after sun sets). Just have good weather and check the sky in the right moment, it travels fast so can be seen just for 1-4 minutes.
Do you know that ISS growt enough to be seen with naked eye also during DAY? But only in certain conditions, probably if its sun panels were at certain angle and reflects sun right where you are.

Love watching the sky? This may be helpful... http://www.neave.com/planetarium/
Who said that it's sensational?

Anyways, I'm gonna see it tonight, and the sky is so nice and clear so I don't think this will be a problem :P
Quit being a little bitch and enjoy the fucking sight. Jeez.
Meh, welcome to 10 years ago. Theres no real need to look up times on the interweb for when you will be able to see it.  Usually on clear evenings in autumn just after sunset..just before the stars are visible while the sky is navy theres a MASSIVE bright light, far brighter than anything else in the sky (apart from the sun and moon :P)  Behold the ISS.

I'm sure everyone on the planet has noticed it by now..nearly 10 years later.. whats really cool is getting a telescope or pair of binoculars and having a look.  Altho at times is very difficult to track and keep the telescope on it as the ISS is moving so fast, so it takes a bit of practice.

[Image: ISS_20081227_074532t.small.jpg]

That pic was taken via a shit telescope, kind of one that costs around 150 dollah in a shop, well worth a look, with a decent telescope you can see when someone walks across a porthole window on the ISS.

[Image: iss-astronaut1.jpg]  <--- Astronaut doing a space walk.  How cool is that :)