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[Unbanned]Dont Understand???
Nickname: Monty
Date of the ban: After 30th March 2010 (Dont know when exactly)
Suspected Reason: No Idea
Your IP address:

Tried to get on just now but server says i'm banned?
Yes, you were banned for moneycheats on the name "desqerado".
I've never even typed "desqerado" in my life haha???

I dont understand??
It's on your IP buddy, it's either you or someone on your connection.
.. well i really dont get it sorry. I live with my gf, her dad and her sister - an none of them play haha?

Im from UK - i really dont get the desqerado thing .. would you have more of a look into it form me please

I think I get it, been a bit of a mixup yesterday.

Unbanned, sorry for the inconvenience!
Haha k , no probs - cheeers!