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My suggestions for money and banks

I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up yet, but as it stands the personal bank has been rendered pointless for anyone but those who are in large, public gangs.

I can think of 3 basic approaches to solving this and removing this element of redundancy:

Approach A: Remove (or at least increase) the balance limits on the personal banks so that people have more reason to even bother using them in favour of just pooling their money with a trusted friend / friends or creating a solo gang to use as a bank.

Approach B: Swap the access methods around so that you can deposit, withdraw or check your personal bank from anywhere and at any time, but must go to a certain place to access your gang bank.

Approach C: Tax gang banks in accordance to how many people are in the gang. Me and my friend went from having nothing to having over 100 million dollars in just 2 days of casual (not just non stop money farming) play. 2 days! The higher the quantifiable risk of someone stealing all the money (i.e the more people in the gang), the lower this tax should be. 10+ members and there should be no tax.

Let's face it: money on LVP at the moment is really nothing more than a number. A useless stat. Granted it's so easy to get server generated money that the stat-whores don't ruin the game for anyone else in the process of earning it, but what about the people that aren't stat-whores? What motivation do we have to earn and maintain big bucks aside from using it to buy spawn weapons? This is where a few of my ideas come in:

1. Make vehicles buyable and savable (not to mention expensive as ass).

2. Add buyable objects to attach to the player and their vehicle.

3. Give more properties special benefits, such as profit from each player death when a hospital is owned, free spawn weapons when an Ammu-Nation is owned, summonable helicopters when an airport is owned etc.

4. Make spawn weapons more expensive.

5. Add league tables to the casinos to encourage more people to gamble.

6. Make teleporting more expensive.

7. Make properties more expensive.

Thanks for reading, please offer your own constructive input regarding the problems I've discussed and the solutions I've put forth!

1: Buying cars to park in front of you house will (most likely) be a feature in the next big update

2: Interesting, but those will be a one time purchase.

3: We already have properties like that, the hospital in fortcarson, taxi, airport and the gangbase but I agree that more of those will make it more interesting.

4: That will stimulate buying props but only be an annoyance to new players and dm'ers

6/7: Be making it harder for players with shitloads of money to make more you will only make it impossible for new players to start building capital.

Thanks for the input!