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FightClub gone wrong!
Me with monkeyboybearcub were going in server together.
Both were on-foot in random places. I invited him to Fight Club, 5 rounds with run weapons. I was spawned alone in fight club, he got spawned at escalators, only with deagle. I could not leave fight club due of world boundaries so I have no idea how he was not throwed towards fight club like what always happen if entering/leaving an interior right when a minigame starts. I told him to walk towards fight club.
He came and told me that can't see me, just the blip. I shoot him, without taking damage. I told him to shoot and I stand in front of him to get killed. But this didn't solved the problem.
Were both spawned in fight club, me with uzi and sawn-off and he with deagle.
I told him to leave game and rejoin. Then I invited him again, this time were both spawned well in fight club, with uzi and sawn-off, but another weird thing happened, we had also deagles!!
We finished all 5 rounds and I invited him for another 5 rounds, same thing happened, uzi, sawnoff and deagle...

I know that our FightClub is weak and simple, should and WILL be much improved in the next version of LVP, but I can't understand how a such simple thing can be so buggy!
Probably I made the clearest bug reporting possible. Hardly to believe? Check these proofs...

[Image: lvpfightclubbug1.png]

[Image: lvpfightclubbug2.png]

[Image: lvpfightclubbug3.png]
Sounds like the Whitebug to me which is a client side issue.
had the same problem the other day :( did it 3 times in a row tho :s
if this were a scripting error shud have happened pretty often wit many more people. This might be a client issue
i got a bug in fc too

i challenged someone 2 rounds:first round i won and i had  40 hp left..the second round it respawned me with 100 armor and 40 hp
Solution: Try to reconnect.