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[Unbanned]I'm Banned Cuz 2Shot?!
Hey Its me Kawu (: I got Banned 2 mins ago But idunno why ?! Cuz i use 2shot ?! Everbody use 2shot but i got banned or what ? I didn't know the rule don't use 2 shot I'm apologize pleas unbann me sry for bad english hahah in Love xDD" Ur Kawu <3 ;)
Read this first.
AHh Sure i forgot ^^ Sry <3

Nickname: Kawu
Date of the ban: March 07, 2010, 06:15:16 PMĀ  Hello Kawu
Suspected Reason: 2shot
Your IP address:

Ok :D So I played LVP before and i must say Alot changed But nvm.. xD I didn't knew the Rule Don't use 2shot or somethiong Sorry.. ! ): But everbody use 2shot Thats a little :? But its ok If u would unbann me it would be great <3 Thanks Ur Kawu <3 ;D
Hey there,ive banned u for using the 2-shot bug,And no it is now allowed only 4shots > swap > uzi > swap > sawn. but since u didnt "knew" ill unban u and let u off with a warning.

Have fun,Greets D.