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I have been banned on 2nd november and my unban time should've been on 7th november, so
I made a new topic(on 7th november), because my old topic was locked, hoping that Richard would unban me, but..

Richard replied on my new topic:
Quote:Your other topic is locked, meaning you shouldn't post here anymore until your unban. Which you didn't do, +2 days.

I guess Richard didnt unban me, because he didnt like my attitude and he added 2 more days just to piss me off.
Another, unlikely, option is that, he forgot all about my unban time and added 2 more days just to piss me off.

Richard said:
Quote:It was indeed actually your unban time, but considering your very nice attitude, as mentioned earlier, I didn't feel like seeing you in the server yet.

I didnt get unbanned just because of my "nice" attitude on 7th november? Thats pretty fucked up thinking.
If you're going to treat players depending on their attitude, your server is going get all fucked up and you'll lose players (uǝddɐɥ oʇ ǝdoɥ ı ɥɔıɥʍ).

maka said:
Quote:Yeah, you indeed got two more days. Why? Because he told you to not post, and yet you did. It's your own fault.

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You were not unbanned because of your behaviour in your ban appeal. Any member of the management is free to add days if they feel like you are not doing anything to improve your behaviour. Making smartass replies in your ban appeal is not recommended. You will be unbanned on November 11, which is a completely valid decision.
Stop making stories to make yourselves look good and get facts on the table. If I werent unabanned, how come no-one told me about it? And only after I made the first topic(on 7th november), I got 2 extra days of ban and those 2 days, like Richard said, is because I made the topic. The fact is, you abused me so it would look like my fault why I got more days added to my ban. In other words, Richard was expecting me to make an appeal, so he could add more days to my ban, because "its against the rules" to make a new topic, if the old one has been locked. And stop this bullcrap about my behaviour/attitude.
I was actually going to let Wesley handle this seeing it's about me(I usually do the complaints), but I can't sit on the side.

You are assuming I was waiting for you to make another appeal so I could add days? Dude, if I wanted to add days, I could have easily come back on my decision of 5 days and made it 6, 7 or whatever. So if you like facts so much, why assume I did something?
You didnt have any reason to add me more days, because you would look like a total idiot, you decided to abuse me. fact!
Yet another opinion.
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I dont see any rule that says that you cant create a new topic, if the old one is locked.
This means I got 4 extra days of ban, because of Richard inventing his own rules in his mind.
It's called common sense.

When a topic gets locked, it's obvious that it remains to be locked or that it's locked until further notice.
You should've taken care of my unban, which you didnt do, so I had to make a new topic. Instead of unban, I get more ban time and you're talking about common sense? Why didnt you use your common sense when it was my unban time?
That doesn't have much to do with common sense, it was still the day you should've been unbanned. You've been banned before, you insulted me there before, you weren't very nice in your appeal now, you then make another topic which you shouldn't, why would I unban you? Why would I unban you at all?