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over 1,600 registered!? only 120 online most at once?!
Well, i noticed Ryder made a topic, about how in-active the forum is, with over 30,000 registered and like 1,600 registered on the forum. Well, i've got an idea The idea is to make a time for EVERYONE  that's registered and  sees this topic to come on at a certain day and  time, the day :  2-10-08. Time: Uknown,

I need everyone to pick a certain time that's ok with them to be here. One way to post it is  like this:

My  time that's ok for me on 2-15-08 is *:** PM/AM.

The majority of times picked will be the time, the time will  be officaly made on the 8th, giving everyone 2 days to prepare. This is just a random idea, if anyone has a better, one please contact me, or post it here.

Messages In This Thread
over 1,600 registered!? only 120 online most at once?! - by Chris5170xD - 02-04-2008, 05:21 AM