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[Unbanned] Sleep
I was mocking you that you don't know what fake car entry is because you actually don't know what fake car entry is.
I entered the car, exited it, entered it, again exited it. That is not fake car entry.
You don't want to admit that you banned me for no reason, and now you're making me admit that I did fake car entry. I wouldn't be posting an unban appeal if I was actually doing the fake car entry.

I didn't pause during any fighting, dude what are you talking about? I don't get you I swear. I wasn't freaking pausing, you probably saw it because of your bad internet, and we saw you disconnecting from irc and saying "ahh my net". I was just entering and exiting the car, I don't know what you saw on your screen.

I guess admins can just ban people for no reason and keep them banned even if they didn't do anything that they were banned for.
You don't have any evidence that I did this and you know that I didn't do it, and now you're just acting in here that I have actually done it so that no one thinks you did a wrongful ban. I seriously don't get you.

Do you really think I would be trying this hard to prove my innocence if I actually wasn't innocent in whole this case?

Messages In This Thread
Sleep - by Sleep - 04-20-2020, 04:24 PM
RE: Sleep - by Humza - 04-20-2020, 04:59 PM
RE: Sleep - by Sleep - 04-20-2020, 05:01 PM