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#LVP.Dev closed
First of all, thank you very much for your interest in contributing to the development efforts of Las Venturas Playground! Without you, we wouldn't be creating the awesome features you want to see!

Now, on to the topic at hand. About a week ago, we closed down #LVP.Dev, the old discussion IRC channel for development related subjects. We're creating this thread to let you know about it, but also explain a bit as to why we decided that we no longer needed this channel.

The closure of #LVP.Dev has been a long time coming. We've been working on making the development efforts of Las Venturas Playground more transparent for a while now. This includes the transition from closed source to open source and a closed bug tracker (Trac) to an open one on GitHub. With these changes we hope to involve more people in our development process and get more valuable input on features we should build next.

To improve this even further, we decided that all development related discussion on IRC should take place in our main channel, #LVP. Some people may remember that Saber posted all updates of the LVPlayground repositories on GitHub to #LVP.Dev. This was also changed to #LVP a few months ago for this exact reason.

The only thing keeping the #LVP.Dev channel around were some IRC bot commands which were only available in that channel. We've evaluated these and either made them public or removed them altogether. We've also updated the IRC bots to no longer join the channel.

What's going to happen with the channel now, you might ask? For now, we've set it to invite only. People who are still in that channel cannot speak, as we've muted the channel and nobody has voice rights anymore. However, we will keep the channel registered to Las Venturas Playground, to prevent third parties using the channel for purposes never intended for the channel. If you're still in the channel, you can safely leave as nothing is going to happen there anymore. We might even decide to just kick everybody sooner or later.

In short, closing down #LVP.Dev will hopefully result in more participation from the community in our development efforts. Again, thank you for your contributions and we hope to see you around!

On behalf of the Las Venturas Playground Management,


Messages In This Thread
#LVP.Dev closed - by MrBondt - 12-31-2016, 11:11 AM