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[Unbanned] [H]Night$Killer
Hello !

Nickname: [H]Night$Killer
Date of the ban: 12/8/2016
Suspected Reason: one day cool off see you tomoro 
Banned By : Mr.JT
Your IP address: Not needed (you have)
Extra notes: 

Quote:[21:07:52] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}I want

[21:07:53] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Fuck

[21:08:01] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Now I have to /ignore this Night dude again

[21:08:06] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Stop rejoining please :(

[21:08:07] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}ignore

[21:08:08] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}yes i call you idiot too

[21:08:24] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}JT u too says it

[21:08:25] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}why everyone hate JT

[21:08:27] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}daddy can i ask you why ?

[21:08:29] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}and take screenshot

[21:08:35] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Insider, they are just little annoying kids

[21:08:39] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}so if u kick me now 

[21:08:41] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}lol

[21:08:42] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}i didnt talk to you JT

[21:08:43] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}probably

[21:08:45] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Who don't get what they want

[21:08:46] {FF0000}* Find the Bag of Cash: {FFFFFF}Type /bagmoney [amount] to add money to the bag!

[21:08:47] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i think Joe can do smth

[21:08:51] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}after 2 complaints

[21:08:52] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}cos the kids cant stand it 

[21:08:54] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}And I bet the parents also abuse them

[21:08:58] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}that 3th

[21:09:02] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}elmo behave 

[21:09:04] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}shhh JT

[21:09:12] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}dont fllame the kid 

[21:09:12] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:09:12] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}I'm sorry for being honest JT

[21:09:12] * [CP]Humza (Id:11) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:09:14] {DCDE3D}[10] CarlJohnsonSA: {FFFFFF}hey i gotta go bye  

[21:09:18] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Cya Carl

[21:09:19] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}ok see ya 

[21:09:21] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't flamme

[21:09:21] * [CP]Humza (Id:11) has logged in to {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:09:23] Edz: Hi all :D

[21:09:24] * ]H[Night$Killer slaps [CP]Mr.JT around a bit with a large dildo.

[21:09:26] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i slap

[21:09:29] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Hello Edz

[21:09:29] {DCDE3D}[10] CarlJohnsonSA: {FFFFFF}i will come soon i have to shop

[21:09:32] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}hi

[21:09:32] * CarlJohnsonSA (Id:10) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:09:50] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}pl yassine dont 

[21:09:51] You may only spawn a vehicle once every 3 minutes.

[21:09:53] * Haris_Castellano2 (Id:21) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:09:54] {F13232}[11] [CP]Humza: {FFFFFF}sniping me :c

[21:09:54] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}for ?

[21:10:00] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}we ar not here to fight 

[21:10:01] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:10:04] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}for ?

[21:10:05] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}tried a headshot ;p

[21:10:23] * [CP]Humza (Id:11) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC} (timed out).

[21:10:25] * names1432 (Id:24) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC} (timed out).

[21:10:33] * [ZW]daddYz (Id:17) murdered {A9C4E4}7 players {CCCCCC}in a row and is wanted dead for {A9C4E4}$30,000{CCCCCC}.

[21:10:58] * Delete (Id:9) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:11:02] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}for annoying players Great

[21:11:10] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}with god mod

[21:11:14] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}and /vr abuse

[21:11:17] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Great

[21:11:24] * You cannot spawn a ramp because [BB]Diablo is in the way!

[21:11:29] * Delete (Id:9) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:11:29] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}yassine i did not abuse buddy 

[21:11:33] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}so

[21:11:35] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}i did not fight 

[21:11:35] * [BB]Jeanmi (Id:20) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:11:41] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}i was just driving 

[21:11:44] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}JT

[21:11:47] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}he was probably admin on duty

[21:11:48] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}tyes almo 

[21:11:50] The first one who calculates '3-40-35', wins $10,000 !

[21:11:51] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}I'm i shoot u head and i give u full armour dmg

[21:11:52] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}dont atack and hunt admins

[21:11:53] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF} /ignore 8 and the tears stop

[21:11:56] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}hmm

[21:11:57] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Special command

[21:12:00] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Works like a spell

[21:12:03] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF} /ignore 8 = pm

[21:12:05] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}nub

[21:12:10] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}i know but he needs this 

[21:12:10] * Mr.Robot (Id:10) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:12:13] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}have a life Elmo

[21:12:19] * Mr.Robot (Id:10) has logged in to {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:12:22] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}well that's irony

[21:12:22] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}All he wants is attention

[21:12:26] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}If you stop giving him that

[21:12:31] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}telling him to have a life when you are 24 hrs here

[21:12:31] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}nope

[21:12:40] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't want any attentions

[21:12:41] {EE82EE}[9] Delete: {FFFFFF}hhhhhhhhhhhh

[21:12:45] -------------------

[21:12:45] Be part of our community and stay updated with the latest news at forum.sa-mp.nl!

[21:12:45] -------------------

[21:12:45] * The bonus time started: everyone who kills somebody within the next 4 minutes gets $2,500 bonus cash.

[21:12:45] * Current Exports:    Club (0 needed)   FCR-900 (9 needed)   Quad (1 needed)

[21:12:45] * And remember, we don't take trashed cars! Check out /export.

[21:12:46] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:12:47] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}w/tp 9

[21:12:48] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}then why are you still talking

[21:12:50] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}then shhhhh

[21:12:56] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}nope

[21:12:56] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}No mi frend

[21:12:59] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i'm free to speak

[21:13:00] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}just be nice 

[21:13:00] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}me is not want to shhh

[21:13:07] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}I hope for this guy he isn't saying anyting to me :D

[21:13:07] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't swear

[21:13:10] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't flamme

[21:13:14] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Please check /rules

[21:13:18] * Delete (Id:9) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC} (timed out).

[21:13:19] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Would be kinda mean

[21:13:19] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}and you spam

[21:13:23] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}nope

[21:13:24] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}go to weapons 

[21:13:28] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}seller

[21:13:30] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't repeat

[21:13:33] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}yassine you dont have to point out the rules to admins 

[21:13:33] You've been dropped at the chosen location!

[21:13:34] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}and admins know rules well enough otherwise they won't be one

[21:13:40] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}so 

[21:13:42] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}what do u type

[21:13:49] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF} /tow 4

[21:13:59] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:14:06] * GalaxY (Id:9) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:14:14] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Diablo I speak with JT and Elmo Please out of this

[21:14:17] * Delete (Id:11) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:14:21] * You cannot spawn a ramp because Martijnc is in the way!

[21:14:35] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}hhh

[21:14:43] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}I don't see any fault from their part and you are really annoying 

[21:14:50] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}nope i do't

[21:14:52] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Don't

[21:15:01] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't says some thing wroong

[21:15:05] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't lie

[21:15:09] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}so

[21:15:09] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}are they abused some admin powers to kill you?

[21:15:18] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}nope to evade death

[21:15:31] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Elmo dn't abuse np

[21:15:32] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}what if he were admin on duty

[21:15:35] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}But JT with /vr

[21:15:40] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}and god mod

[21:15:46] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i think he abuse O.O

[21:15:57] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}no admins on duty

[21:15:59] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}you think

[21:16:01] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}look

[21:16:02] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}just listen me

[21:16:04] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}on duty = undercover

[21:16:08] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}dont make yourself some problems

[21:16:09] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}:D

[21:16:11] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}with admins

[21:16:14] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't

[21:16:15] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}on duty is wen we ar online 

[21:16:18] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}admins are here to create a friendly environment while having fun for themselves too

[21:16:27] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}be cool and dont talk anymore

[21:16:34] * filipes (Id:16) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:16:34] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:16:41] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}if they wanna roam around peacefully while doing duties

[21:16:47] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}they can

[21:16:57] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}not about this

[21:16:58] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}they didnt shoot you back either

[21:17:02] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i know all this

[21:17:04] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:17:12] The first one who says '1XTXRV4C', wins $10,000!

[21:17:13] * The bonus time has ended now.

[21:17:18] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}well you don't seem to show that

[21:17:22] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}from your behaviour

[21:17:28] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}just i give too JT a head shoot and i give him full dmg

[21:17:32] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}-100 armour

[21:17:36] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}- 50 health

[21:17:37] {FF0000}* Find the Bag of Cash: {FFFFFF}Type /bagmoney [amount] to add money to the bag!

[21:17:40] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}and car damged

[21:17:44] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}ok  guys all ignoir id 11 and its all good again 

[21:17:44] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}he use /vr

[21:17:46] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}back to them

[21:17:47] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}and god mod

[21:17:53] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}id 11 ?

[21:17:54] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Ka

[21:17:56] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Ok

[21:17:57] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}I'm liar JT ?

[21:17:58] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}eops

[21:17:58] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}?

[21:18:00] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}11

[21:18:04] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Wait no ups

[21:18:08] -------------------

[21:18:08] Report cheaters using /report [suspected id/name] [cheat/reason]

[21:18:08] -------------------

[21:18:08] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}you said

[21:18:09] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}id 11

[21:18:10] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}lol not you delete

[21:18:11] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}and i will do it

[21:18:17] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}ok daddy 

[21:18:22] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}no delete he means we have to ignore you

[21:18:39] -------------------

[21:18:39] The pirate ship is a peace zone! Please don't hit, shoot or throw grenades on it!

[21:18:39] -------------------

[21:18:47] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}did you read what I said before

[21:18:47] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}JT ignore me but Don't says to players to do it

[21:18:49] You may only spawn a vehicle once every 3 minutes.

[21:18:50] * Partizan[SRB] (Id:19) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:18:55] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}?

[21:18:58] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:19:00] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}me ignored?

[21:19:01] -------------------

[21:19:01] The pirate ship is a peace zone! Please don't hit, shoot or throw grenades on it!

[21:19:01] -------------------

[21:19:04] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}no not you 

[21:19:05] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}dont shoot in ship

[21:19:07] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}ok

[21:19:08] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}me

[21:19:13] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}bullshit

[21:19:15] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}your a good guy lol sorry delete

[21:19:16] * Partizan[SRB] (Id:19) has logged in to {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:19:22] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}XDD

[21:19:27] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Your bad

[21:19:28] You may only spawn a vehicle once every 3 minutes.

[21:19:31] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}he said to ignore id 11

[21:19:34] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}jt schat

[21:19:35] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:19:37] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Wil je wat voor me doen?

[21:19:38] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}ja

[21:19:39] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}JT is bad boy too .0.

[21:19:41] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}tuurlijk

[21:19:50] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Doe is /ignore 8 typen

[21:19:57] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}is al gedaan 

[21:20:01] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Goedzo <3

[21:20:03] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}geen stres

[21:20:11] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}na ja 

[21:20:21] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}niet gedaan maar ik reageer der niet meer op 

[21:20:30] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Wel doen joh

[21:20:32] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Is goed voor je

[21:20:40] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Vooral voor de rust

[21:20:55] * filipes (Id:16) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:20:59] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}lijkt der op dat ie een mute heeft 

[21:21:04] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}hij zegt niks meer

[21:21:36] * [JOKER]Jibin (Id:16) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:21:43] * [HB]Neno (Id:20) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:21:44] * [JOKER]Jibin (Id:16) has logged in to {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:21:49] * Insid3r(A) slaps [JOKER]Jibin around a bit with a large dildo.

[21:21:49] * [HB]Neno (Id:20) has logged in to {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:21:56] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}follow those 

[21:21:57] * [JOKER]Jibin slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large boob.

[21:22:00] * Insid3r(A) slaps [HB]Neno around a bit with a large broken laptop.

[21:22:07] * [HB]Neno slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large network technician.

[21:22:15] {14FF7F}[20] [HB]Neno: {FFFFFF}HELLO

[21:22:17] * BlackGoku (Id:21) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:22:34] The first one who says 'NNMJRHLF', wins $10,000!

[21:22:34] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}wut

[21:22:38] * [BB]Diablo has won the reaction test in 3.93 seconds, he/she won 1467 times.

[21:22:38] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}nnmjrhlf

[21:22:40] * [H]hold (Id:22) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:22:42] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}h

[21:22:45] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}hi

[21:22:49] * Kaufman Cabs: Thank you for using our service! Your fare has come to $345

[21:22:49] * at a per kilometer price of $15.

[21:22:52] * [H]hold (Id:22) has logged in to {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:22:55] * You don't have enough money!

[21:22:55] {29B6F6}[H] [22] [H]hold: hey

[21:22:59] You have successfully withdrawn {FFFFFF}$50,000{33AA33}. Your remaining balance is {FFFFFF}$15,361,114{33AA33}.

[21:23:04] {29B6F6}[H] [8] ]H[Night$Killer: Hey

[21:23:04] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}holsje ?

[21:23:08] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}waar ben je 

[21:23:09] * [H]hold slaps ]H[Night$Killer around a bit with a large sheep.

[21:23:11] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Achter op je motor

[21:23:13] * [HB]Neno slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large sheep.

[21:23:16] Error: You cannot slap yourself, silly!

[21:23:17] * Insid3r(A) slaps [HB]Neno around a bit with a large trout.

[21:23:19] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}a nu zie ik je weer

[21:23:20] * ]H[Night$Killer slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large rocket launcher.

[21:23:22] Welcome at one of the Las Venturas Bank's ATM machines. How may we help you?

[21:23:22] /bank{FFFFFF} - Deposit funds directly into your account.

[21:23:22] /withdraw{FFFFFF} - Withdraw funds from your account into your wallet.

[21:23:22] /balance{FFFFFF} - Get information on the balance currently available in your account.

[21:23:25] * You've just bought spawn armour!

[21:23:25] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}lol

[21:23:27] * You've just bought x1 Sniper Rifle as spawn weapon.

[21:23:29] * You've just bought x1 M4 as spawn weapon.

[21:23:30] * [HB]Neno slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large cock.

[21:23:31] -------------------

[21:23:31] Be part of our community and stay updated with the latest news at forum.sa-mp.nl!

[21:23:31] -------------------

[21:23:36] * [H]hold slaps ]H[Night$Killer around a bit with a large asswipe.

[21:23:39] {29B6F6}[H] [8] ]H[Night$Killer: let's kill JT and Elmo

[21:23:57] {247C1B}[16] [JOKER]Jibin: {FFFFFF}:o

[21:24:00] {247C1B}[16] [JOKER]Jibin: {FFFFFF}o/

[21:24:01] {29B6F6}[H] [8] ]H[Night$Killer: hold

[21:24:04] * You cannot spawn an a vehicle because you've recently been in a gunfight.

[21:24:07] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:24:22] {29B6F6}[H] [22] [H]hold: I am poor now :(

[21:24:42] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:24:57] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}WHY

[21:25:04] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}kk

[21:25:05] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}night where i?

[21:25:09] {247C1B}[16] [JOKER]Jibin: {FFFFFF}gtg cya love u all

[21:25:12] * [JOKER]Jibin (Id:16) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:25:13] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Nice

[21:25:19] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}were is my nrg ?

[21:25:19] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}recorded all :P

[21:25:24] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:25:26] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Elmo shoot with god

[21:25:30] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Nice

[21:25:38] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}You sit on it

[21:25:42] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}no

[21:25:52] * Kaufman Cabs: Thank you for using our service! Your fare has come to $255

[21:25:52] * at a per kilometer price of $15.

[21:25:52] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:25:52] * You are now listening to LVP Radio!

[21:25:54] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Elmo u like complaints ?

[21:25:56] The Pirate Ship on Las Venturas Playground is a safe-zone,

[21:25:56] you are NOT allowed to fight, kill, hit, slap or have sexual

[21:25:56] intercourse with anyone on the pirate ship!

[21:26:03] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:26:10] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}you threatening admins?

[21:26:16] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Yeah

[21:26:20] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i record now

[21:26:23] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}is he realy 

[21:26:25] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}?

[21:26:28] {FF0000}* Find the Bag of Cash: {FFFFFF}Type /bagmoney [amount] to add money to the bag!

[21:26:31] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}no I'm joke 

[21:26:35] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}thats a ban thing ?

[21:26:38] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}I"m Relly record

[21:26:42] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}you can ban him for it 

[21:26:48] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Wait

[21:26:53] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Nice

[21:26:54] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:27:00] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}You know what yasine

[21:27:02] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Diablo promonted

[21:27:03] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}Ohh Daddy

[21:27:06] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}I'll remove the ignore

[21:27:07] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Ban Yassine

[21:27:09] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}ow shit

[21:27:20] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}lol

[21:27:20] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}u can hear me anyway :P

[21:27:25] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}with it or without it

[21:27:28] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:27:28] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}I can hear you know

[21:27:39] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}So what do you want to say?

[21:27:55] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Elmo u don't do anything :P

[21:27:59] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i speak with JT

[21:28:03] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF} /

[21:28:05] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:28:16] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}i just noticed i dont lose any dmg but you werent even shot me xd

[21:28:16] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}JT = abuser evad death !

[21:28:21] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}As long as you speak with respect to JT I'm fine with that

[21:28:22] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}uuu what ?

[21:28:29] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:28:36] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}i did explain 

[21:28:38] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}xd

[21:28:41] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:28:45] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}He's not abusing, he's just chilling on his bike with me checking on players

[21:28:47] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}i did forgot to turn it on 

[21:28:51] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:28:52] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}not that

[21:28:54] -------------------

[21:28:54] Be part of our community and stay updated with the latest news at forum.sa-mp.nl!

[21:28:54] -------------------

[21:28:57] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i hate abusers !!!

[21:29:03] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}wtf

[21:29:06] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Diablo e_e ?

[21:29:07] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}so now its good yassine 

[21:29:07] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:29:14] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}drop it and just play 

[21:29:17] The first one who says 'M1UVTL9V', wins $10,000!

[21:29:17] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i think

[21:29:20] * Kaufman Cabs: Thank you for using our service! Your fare has come to $180

[21:29:20] * at a per kilometer price of $15.

[21:29:21] Audio stream: http://play.sa-mp.nl:8000/stream/1/

[21:29:21] * You are now listening to LVP Radio!

[21:29:22] * [H]hold has won the reaction test in 4.89 seconds, he/she won 32 times.

[21:29:22] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}m1uvtl9v

[21:29:22] {14FF7F}[20] [HB]Neno: {FFFFFF}m1uvtl9v

[21:29:24] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}How about you stop harassing admins

[21:29:27] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Have you ever tried that?

[21:29:33] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}dont elmo 

[21:29:34] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Mr Robot wins

[21:29:34] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}nub

[21:29:40] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}That might work you know

[21:29:42] * Insid3r(A) (Id:18) murdered {A9C4E4}4 players {CCCCCC}in a row and is wanted dead for {A9C4E4}$20,000{CCCCCC}.

[21:29:46] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}harassing ?

[21:29:49] {FFFF00}[13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}he had a warning a kick and he knows whats next 

[21:29:49] * [H]hold slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large cock.

[21:29:52] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:29:54] * Insid3r(A) slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large baseball bat.

[21:29:56] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}nope i don't

[21:30:05] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't do anything wrrong

[21:30:08] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}Insider /ww

[21:30:09] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}u can't ban me

[21:30:15] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}i don't flamme so

[21:30:15] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:30:16] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}naa

[21:30:19] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}:3

[21:30:19] * [BB]Diablo (Id:14) murdered {A9C4E4}4 players {CCCCCC}in a row and is wanted dead for {A9C4E4}$20,000{CCCCCC}.

[21:30:20] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}just says what i see

[21:30:23] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}All it takes me to ban you is type one single command

[21:30:24] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}:(

[21:30:25] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}before 15 min

[21:30:26] {F13232}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}So yes, we can ban you

[21:30:26] {FFDC18}PM from [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}ok let me explain stop it or you wil have a 3 day ban to cool off 

[21:30:27] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}:(

[21:30:30] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}:$

[21:30:31] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}:)

[21:30:42] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}Nice this one xd

[21:30:52] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-039.png

[21:30:52] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:30:53] {FFDC18}PM from [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}you had your warning 

[21:30:53] * Insid3r(A) slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large Luce.

[21:30:56] * [H]hold slaps ]H[Night$Killer around a bit with a large rocket launcher.

[21:30:59] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-040.png

[21:30:59] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}lol

[21:31:03] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}wrong id

[21:31:04] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}nope

[21:31:07] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}ahaha

[21:31:10] * [H]hold slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large sheep.

[21:31:13] * Insid3r(A) slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large trout.

[21:31:23] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}lol

[21:31:26] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}waat

[21:31:27] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}xd

[21:31:30] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:31:32] * [H]hold slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large poop.

[21:31:34] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}Sorry, but I never respect abusers tnx yassine

[21:31:36] * Insid3r(A) slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large broken bottle.

[21:31:41] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}i lag noob

[21:31:45] * BlackGoku (Id:21) has left {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:31:46] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}lol i know

[21:31:51] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}thats because i cannot kill u

[21:31:52] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}u are not JT who i know before 1 week so

[21:32:01] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}good car :D

[21:32:02] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:32:05] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}omg i think i have big head xd

[21:32:08] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Ty

[21:32:11] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Buyed right now :DD

[21:32:16] * Insid3r(A) slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large tree.

[21:32:16] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}You have

[21:32:17] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}xD

[21:32:19] * [H]hold slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large asswipe.

[21:32:22] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}anyway recorded when u try to use /vr and god mod :P so

[21:32:33] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}/ignore [my id]

[21:32:38] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:32:50] * ]H[Night$Killer Back !

[21:32:54] * [H]hold so what

[21:33:00] {FF2727}[14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}lol

[21:33:01] {FFDC18}PM from [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}stop it yassine or you let me no chose

[21:33:01] * ]H[Night$Killer Don't know

[21:33:11] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}fock

[21:33:13] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}choice*

[21:33:14] * [H]hold slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large spike.

[21:33:16] {4EFF00}[18] Insid3r(A): {FFFFFF}i shot u 1st

[21:33:22] * Insid3r(A) slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large boob.

[21:33:26] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}:DDD

[21:33:26] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}i don't do anthing man

[21:33:27] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}but 1 won

[21:33:27] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:33:28] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}hh lel

[21:33:32] {FFDC18}PM from [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}thats it you did know what i ment 

[21:33:32] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}i have all logs

[21:33:43] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}u want drive?

[21:33:44] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}i can put it in ban appeal

[21:33:51] {FCF545}PM to [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}can managers see it

[21:33:54] {FFDC18}PM from [14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}this is your last warning to stop harassing admins and trying to show off

[21:33:55] {FCF545}PM to [14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}nothing wrrong

[21:34:02] * [H]hold slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large poop.

[21:34:04] * Insid3r(A) slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large broken bottle.

[21:34:04] {DCDE3D}[10] Mr.Robot: {FFFFFF}drive

[21:34:07] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:34:09] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Nah :D

[21:34:10] {FCF545}PM to [14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}i don't DO ANYTHING wrrong :P

[21:34:17] {FCF545}PM to [14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}not a flamme

[21:34:17] -------------------

[21:34:17] Be part of our community and stay updated with the latest news at forum.sa-mp.nl!

[21:34:17] -------------------

[21:34:17] * The bonus time started: everyone who wins a minigame within the next 4 minutes gets $7,500 bonus cash.

[21:34:17] * Current Exports:    Blista Compact (1 needed)   Cheetah (15 needed)   Broadway (3 needed)

[21:34:17] * And remember, we don't take trashed cars! Check out /export.

[21:34:20] {FCF545}PM to [14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}nothings

[21:34:22] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}hhh

[21:34:25] {4EFF00}[19] Partizan[SRB]: {FFFFFF}gg xD

[21:34:27] {FFDC18}PM from [15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Being a complete dick to admins, while they tell you to stop, is doing something wrong though

[21:34:37] * [sLK]Slide (Id:16) has joined {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:34:37] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Elmo lol xddddddddd

[21:34:38] {FFDC18}PM from [14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}you really think threatening an admin when he wasn't even shooting you will work good for you?

[21:34:40] Sign up for the {838F31}Walkweapon War fight{CCD782}! Type {838F31}/ww{CCD782} to join ($250).

[21:34:41] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}<3

[21:34:42] * Insid3r(A) slaps [H]hold around a bit with a large broken bottle.

[21:34:45] * [sLK]Slide (Id:16) has logged in to {A9C4E4}Las Venturas Playground{CCCCCC}.

[21:34:45] * [H]hold slaps Insid3r(A) around a bit with a large broken laptop.

[21:34:50] {14FF7F}[20] [HB]Neno: {FFFFFF}hey slide

[21:34:54] {FFDC18}PM from [13] [CP]Mr.JT: {FFFFFF}ok if you need a day to cool off here you go you had a chanse see you tomoro 

[21:34:55] The first one who says 'AJUHGUEY', wins $10,000!

[21:34:59] * [H]hold has won the reaction test in 4.35 seconds, he/she won 33 times.

[21:34:59] {D2EB1B}[22] [H]hold: {FFFFFF}ajuhguey

[21:35:00] {FCF545}PM to [14] [BB]Diablo: {FFFFFF}u know what happis before speak ?

[21:35:04] You have successfully ignored [CP]Mr.JT (ID:13)!

[21:35:06] {FFFF00}[16] [sLK]Slide: {FFFFFF}yo

[21:35:06] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}ty

[21:35:07] {FFFF00}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Go drive JT

[21:35:10] {D2EB1B}[8] ]H[Night$Killer: {FFFFFF}Hey Slide

[21:35:12] {A55E2C}[11] Delete: {FFFFFF}WHAT I LAG NOOB

[21:35:13] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}Loooooool

[21:35:13] {FFFF00}[15] [CP]MrElmo: {FFFFFF}Hey slide

[21:35:16] {FF2727}[17] [ZW]daddYz: {FFFFFF}:DDD

[21:35:17] You have been banned from Las Venturas Playground!

[21:35:17] You were banned by {33CCFF}[CP]Mr.JT{FFFFFF} for the following reason:

[21:35:17] one day cool off see you tomoro 


[21:35:17] For a duration of: {33CCFF}3 days{FFFFFF}.


[21:35:17] You may appeal this ban on our forums (http://forum.sa-mp.nl) or on our IRC channel,

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I Just want to says That "Mr.JT" abuse i put all the chat log

Note :

I shoot he head with a sniper and i give him a big dmg (-100 armour - 50 armour)

and he take a bad bike and abuse with using /vr after that runing (he still near me) and use god mod for evad death 



Messages In This Thread
[H]Night$Killer - by Yassine - 08-12-2016, 08:56 PM
RE: [H]Night$Killer - by Joeri - 08-12-2016, 09:20 PM
RE: [H]Night$Killer - by Yassine - 08-12-2016, 10:07 PM
RE: [H]Night$Killer - by Yassine - 08-13-2016, 01:24 AM
RE: [H]Night$Killer - by MrJT - 08-13-2016, 08:53 AM