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/call when the persons times out bug
What where you doing? Talking to fixer on the phone
Where there other players which encountered the same problem? Dont know possibly.
Could you reproduce the bug? If the person times out while im on the phone with them yes.
Was it only once, or did it happen all the time? Its happend before fixed it by reloging only
Did you try to reconnect first Did and it fixed the problem

More information relating bug: fixed timed while i was on the phone with hin and then i would type something it would say for instance " Phone(Assassin): hi' and i couldn'ted /hangup it said none was calling me... it was wierd But hope it soon gets fixed Glad to help


Messages In This Thread
/call when the persons times out bug - by Assassin - 09-15-2007, 08:29 PM