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LVPD-SWAT is actively recruiting!
Hey, wanna bust those annoying thugs of Las Venturas? Well, here is your chance...
The only requirement is that you use a SWAT or undercover skin for your character, and use /gangs when online to see if LVPD-SWAT is in the active gang roster. If we are online, request a gang invite to us. If we aren't, use /gang create LVPD-SWAT and then use /gang skin 4. ID 4 is the SWAT character skin on Las Venturas Playground.
Also, we have an IRC channel on irc.gtanet.com at #LVP.LVPD-SWAT
As always, have FUN playing, and not let the play have fun with you.

P.S.: You know how the clowns use cl0wned when they kill someone? Well I used SWATed the other day while playing... so if your into that sort of banter, well hey, I won't object to it.  >:)

Messages In This Thread
LVPD-SWAT is actively recruiting! - by Cyrix404 - 12-30-2006, 06:01 PM
Re: LVPD-SWAT is DOA! - by Cyrix404 - 01-04-2007, 08:47 PM