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B&A Owning Up & Chickens.............
Well tonight [December 23rd/ 24th] has been an eventful one.
First of all we received the new of the release Of an update in the Server.
We got told that there was a gang prop, and this could be bought by a member whom is in a gang, and that gang would then run the city.
A message would come up saying that :)
So, this kicked off what seemed to be an eventful night.
Everyone was raring to go, and get some gang wars on the go.
At first some of the Admins, RnF took over.
But B&A quickly took full control!
The Chickens were no where to be seen.
Obviously, there gang name says it all.

Here are some screen shots of us owning up :D

Grove, as usual, kept saying, yes we chickens own you. Etc etc.
But we had an iside man, not that we needed him, as we owned Seti@Home allowing us to see there gang chat.
But it was a help.
So the chickens came thinking yes, we are going to completely own them, we were out numbered by a few.
But Quality Over Quantity, and that proved well.
And we finally got Grove, "Head Chicken" to admit defeat, then to rub the salt into the wound, we got our inside man Kebab, to tell him he was a spy, and I myself am suprised Grove didn't start crying or throw a tantrum.
Well that was our fun cl0wning night.

Messages In This Thread
B&A Owning Up & Chickens............. - by THRILLERkarl - 12-24-2006, 06:01 AM
Re: B&A Owning Up & Chickens............. - by XL - 12-25-2006, 04:32 PM