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Adobe to put Photoshop online - Free!
Yes you may think I have gone mad. But Adobe are planning on releasing versions of it's Creative Studio and Macromedia lines for the web! They will be free, and funded by advertisements, used for sites like Photobucket. I will stop saying stuff now, and let you read! :P

Quote:Adobe has revealed that it plans to release a Web-based version of Photoshop within six months.

CEO Bruce Chizen said in an interview that the service is likely to be free, funded by advertising, and will offer an entry-level toolset without diluting the Photoshop brand.

Photoshop will be the first of several online applications that Adobe plans to release, having seen the success Google has had with similar ad-funded offerings. It also plans use the Web to provide additional features for users of its desktop software, such as the Photoshop Lightroom digital darkroom.

'We recognise there is a customer there - we recognise they are not going to pay us, necessarily, directly, Chizen said. 'But we could use ad revenue as a model. Google has demonstrated that it works pretty well for certain types of applications.'

Last week Adobe announced that it was to begin providing online video editing tools to Photobucket, a video and photo sharing website.


Funny, eh?


Messages In This Thread
Adobe to put Photoshop online - Free! - by tomozj - 03-03-2007, 12:16 AM
Re: Adobe to put Photoshop online - Free! - by XL - 03-06-2007, 11:12 AM
Re: Adobe to put Photoshop online - Free! - by XL - 03-13-2007, 10:25 AM
Re: Adobe to put Photoshop online - Free! - by XL - 03-14-2007, 09:57 AM