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[Event] LVP LEAGUE - SHOOTER AND WOUNDED [1 open season]
(07-19-2016, 04:10 PM)QUIPT Wrote: Ok [V] crybabes.  You r eleminated from the schedule.
And plz dont post in this topic anything with yours usless complains. I just simply can see after all - who is serious want to play matches and join the game.. and who is not. Thanks.

Ok guys who serious want to play the game -
H vs SWK and BB vs R2D this weekend?

So i suggesting time from BB
Saturday 18 gmt+0 you guys ok with it?

Come on ... it seemed like you're a good guy. Those who're interested to check "how serious" we were at handling this event can refer back to this post. Until this post we were mainly clarifying our situation, let's analyze what's happening on your side, but the content here is richer than "crybabes".

Just like your event, your communication is flawed to an interesting extent. Let's check  why:

Your communication
1- Choice of words and quality of arguments:
"like my wife is angry trying to pack her bags, tears and snot, and crybabies".
2- Failure to identify a basic communication term/concept:
Complaint means " a statement that something is wrong or not satisfactory". Where exactly did you see this in our previous replies? Be careful before you post a seemingly correct reply on this point. There's still more to it, let's see if you'll pave the way to expose it.
3- Projection of your own mistakes on others:
"I just simply can see after all - who is serious want to play matches and join the game.. and who is not." Again, refer to this post. Let's check the source of that reflection at next point.

Your Event
Do you know how serious you are (don't want to include your clan because god knows how did you inform them) when you setup an event with a schedule then you and your own clan don't show up on time?! I will try to refrain from showing an emotional reaction to this point.

Event Rules:

1- "It will be a 4 shot sawnoff fight, but if someone agreed to play with 2 shots between each other its ok"
What if it's a 2 shots sawnoff fight, and 2 clans agree to play a 4 shot sawnoff fight? Is that even a rule?
2- "If there is an unequal moment about the result of the matches.. There will be a point system"

It'd be interesting to ask how many players understood this rule, and how many didn't. Let's wonder why it's easy to guess many replies on such a question.
3- Inability to enforce the schedule -as in times- (seems like you finally removed the preplanned times, maybe our input wasn't "useless complains" after all):
You were not even neutral about participants who were not showing up on time, you actually encouraged them to continue not showing up by implying that rules are not strict and they won't be. You eventually had to get rid of this non rule rule!

which leads us to the final description of this event
A player asked a group of clans to fight under the guidelines "Max ping 270 (+/-15), 11 rounds = 1 match)" at any time under whatever circumstances/rules, using a forfeit system that isn't implemented until now.

Event Exit:
If a clan wants to leave your "event" let it leave. You are the one who's pushing this discussion, you could've simply removed us from the schedule in silence.

The continual of my posts depends on you. If you want me to stop posting, do not reply on this post. I'm not asking you to stop, I'm informing you that it's your choice.

Messages In This Thread
RE: LVP LEAGUE - SHOOTER AND WOUNDED [1 open season] - by VonLVP - 07-20-2016, 05:30 AM