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Let's get the player counts up!
[Image: 2.94.png]

Promotional Drift Video

Welcome ladies.

Not many servers have a decent drift point system like LVP 2.94. Drifting is a popular SA:MP activity and will attract players.

In 2009 Littlewhitey's introduced one of the first ever drift score system. This is their development video.

littlewhitey's SA-MP Server Drifting System

Now, compare that to ours:

Las Venturas Playground 2.94 Drifting
Shitty laptop mouse + Shitty Laptop = shit quality + shit drifting. Cry

As you can see, Littlewhitey's drift system sucks compared to ours :)

A lot of time has been invested into our drift system. That is only the first alpha version. The use of NPCs and lots of cool special affects, pickups, and race enhancements will be added to the final version.

We're going to create a promotional video to go with the launch of the 2.94 drifting features.

What we need:


- With decent computers. We need people who have a good computer with fraps installed so we can record at a high quality.
- Drifters. People who can actually drift, unlike me.
- Actors. We're going to enhance the video by adding crowds and stuff waving, etc, as well as a guy (or girl) walk on prior to the race start to wave the racers off.


- Mods. People who are recording will need to add cool car mods to enhance the video.
- Music. We're going to need music, obviously. We will have to decide on this.
- Course. We need a race course. Should we use the one from the video, or maybe we could custom make our own?


- We'll need a logo. Something cool made in photoshop of an infernus or something drifting, with the LVP logo present and maybe the words "Drifting" in a cool font.


We're going to need people who can edit videos. Preferably someone who has experience with Adobe software or Vegas.

As you can see, this is a pretty big job that as a community, if we pull off, I believe with the right advertising this will help bring players back to LVP when we launch 2.94. We'll add this video to the website, youtube, these forums and post it on the SA:MP forums as well as create a new LVP advertisement topic for the SA:MP advertisement section and include it there.

All beta testers and crew members can see these boards. We need as much help as possible. If you truly want to get the players back, you'll signup and help us out!

You can will signup here

Messages In This Thread
Let's get the player counts up! - by Jay - 08-07-2011, 01:31 PM
Re: Let's get the player counts up! - by Jay - 08-07-2011, 02:28 PM