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Massive "lame"killing and abusing is a result of weak dev team work
The whole gameserver is a joke itself. When I first joined (4-5 years ago), I really enjoyed playing, one of the reasons were that everything was understandable and server did not have commands opulence. Nowadays, the dev's are working on features and are feeling proud, like they are going to achieve something big with the next update. Yet, nobody realizes that half of the features are unneeded, in a better term, useless. Disabling nading, drive-bys, and instead adding some sort of shitty maps. That was just one plain example.
I totally agree with HoogerBooger that the server is overruled by idiots, who apparently don't give a shit about anything, they just want to manage things like they want, not how the community wishes. And then, some retard writes "amagawd, where are all the players at" whilst not thinking about what this server turned into.

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Re: Massive "lame"killing and abusing is a result of weak dev team work - by Mark - 01-14-2011, 02:43 PM