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[C] Weezy
Within 30 minutes, just because he has voice and is using the !pm feature does not give him the right to abuse VIP commands and flame players who are in game, this annoyance has reached an absurd level and should definitely be dealt with. Unless he is ingame and actually using /lang for an appropriate reason, he should not be using !why-swear. He has had quite a fair amount of warnings for in-game and IRC rule violations.

[16:58] <Weezy> tef
[16:58] <Weezy> go back to ur emo corner

[17:18] <+Weezy> !pm 0 xBlueXFoxx sucks cocks
[17:18] <&Nuwani> 02[0] 07[V]BrainDeadGamer: Luna come
[17:19] <+Weezy> !pm 0 dont oh me faggot
[17:19] <+Weezy> !pm 0 violax wannabe <---

[17:20] <+Weezy> !vip !why-swear 12
[17:20] *&Nuweni:+#LVP.echo* 12VIP Chat 2[255] 07Weezy: !why-swear 12
[17:20] <%Nuwuni> 02[0] 07[V]BrainDeadGamer: Do you?
[17:20] <%SmackBot> !pm 12 Weezy has muted you for swearing in main chat.
[17:20] <+Weezy> !msg take that as a warning

[17:20] <&Nuweni> 02[12] 07[SaW]Tom: Shut up weezy lol
[17:21] <+Weezy> !msg make me
[17:21] <%Nowani> 02[--] 07Weezy: make me


10 minutes later after posting this topic.

[17:39] <Weezy> u joining the crying competition
[17:39] <Weezy> gg

[08:22] <Weezy> you should cry harder on your topic

This negative response shows that he is most likely not going to be changing his attitude if he gets a simple warning, poor thing should be put to sleep.

[Edit #500]

[17:01] <%Jhon> !regdate (UvH_P)striker
[17:01] <&Nuwani> 10* Registration date: 2009-12-13 02:44:31
[17:01] <%SmackBot> !pm (UvH_P)striker Save money and stats! Register your name at www.sa-mp.nl
[17:01] <&Nuwani> 6*** Correct Syntax: !pm playerid Your Message
[17:02] <%Jhon> wtf rofl
[17:02] <&Nuweni> 02[7] 03*** Prox4 joined the game.
[17:02] <+Weezy> so what
[17:02] <%Jhon> !regdate MacSto
[17:02] <%SmackBot> 4Error: Please Specify a Player ID!
[17:02] <&Nuwani> 10* Registration date: 2010-03-14 17:21:10
[17:02] <+Weezy> :)
[17:02] <+Weezy> !regdate Driss
[17:02] <%SmackBot> 4Error: Please Specify a Player ID!
[17:02] <+Weezy> !getid Wee
[17:02] <%Nuwuni> 6Matches Found (1): Weezy 7(21)
[17:02] <+Weezy> !regdate 21
[17:02] <%SmackBot> !pm 21 Save money and stats! Register your name at www.sa-mp.nl
[17:02] <+Weezy> wtf?
[17:02] <%Jhon> ahahaha
[17:02] <%Jhon> fail
[17:03] <+Weezy> !reg 21
[17:03] <%SmackBot> !pm 21 Save money and stats! Register your name at www.sa-mp.nl
[17:03] <+Weezy> -_-
[17:03] <%Jhon> well I think the command is mixing up with the reg one yea
[17:03] <+Weezy> do !regdate Driss
[17:03] <%Jhon> na
[17:03] <+Weezy> its my first account
[17:03] <+Weezy> :>
[17:03] <%Jhon> idc
[17:03] <%Jhon> :>
[17:03] <+Weezy> :<<
[17:03] <&Nuweni> 02[9] 07[V]BrainDeadGamer: lame much
[17:03] <%Nowani> 02[14] 07R3dH4wK: So?
[17:03] <+Weezy> !players
[17:03] <&Nuwani> 7Online Players (19): [BiA]LucasLunar, 14Prox4, 04MacSto, 12[V]BrainDeadGamer, 14angel_hernandez, yungbo94, [V]Luna, Ghos7, R3dH4wK, 12xBlueXFoxx, 14Carlos_doboldinho, aso, NEPT1, 12Weezy, [DOA]PoderHasGuns, st4lker, (UvH_P)striker, 14xmatiaxs, Sense
[17:03] <+Weezy> !getid mac
[17:03] <&Nuwini> 6Matches Found (1): MacSto 7(8)
[17:03] <+Weezy> !getid blue
[17:03] <&Nuweni> 6Matches Found (1): xBlueXFoxx 7(16)
[17:03] <+xBlueXFoxx> Voice has access to that command? Should probably tell someone to fix that
[17:03] <+Weezy> !reg 16
[17:03] <%SmackBot> !pm 16 Save money and stats! Register your name at www.sa-mp.nl
[17:04] <+Weezy> :)))
[17:04] <%Jhon> true
[17:04] <%Jhon> gonna poke devs
[17:04] <+Weezy> like dey gonna #care
[17:04] <+Weezy> !reg 8
[17:04] <%Jhon> they actually will after knowing any faggot can spam it
[17:04] <@MacSto> offs
[17:04] <+Weezy> any "faggo"
[17:04] <+Weezy> haha
[17:04] <+xBlueXFoxx> Weezy just because you* found a bug does not mean you need to abuse it
[17:05] <+Weezy> cry
[17:06] <+Weezy> Use your brain a little bit before starting to warn me or whatever you're trying to do.

Messages In This Thread
[C] Weezy - by xBlueXFoxx - 01-14-2011, 02:27 AM