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[TUTORIAL] How to fix the "Black Roads" graphical glich in GTA SA!
Well i see that many people
already probably experienced something like this:

[Image: gtatutp4.jpg]

Its know as the "Black Roads" graphical glich in GTA San Andreas, the only way
to fix it is to patch the game to v 1.1 but then you cant play SA-MP anymore
so what to do???? :?
There is the moment where i like to help....
The thing is that GTA SA misses graphical filters,
but thats why you have graphics drivers.
Me personaly i have a ATI Graphics Card so i have the ATI Catalist Control Center,
Nvidia shoud have the same with the same principe...
Now if you wanna get rid of that nasty black roads and wanna improve
the quality of the vids you post on youtube or you just completly
hate the shit in the distance, well then falow my steps and lets beat the system

First of all you go to your graphics driver, right click on desktop and select
your ATI/NVIDIA Sofware like you see o the picture below:

[Image: gtatutp1.jpg]

It should popup something like this:

[Image: gtatutp2.jpg]

The next thing, you need to go into the '3D' tab and select
Anisotropic Filtering and set it on maximum:

[Image: gtatutp3.jpg]

This is the thing that fixes the glich and dont worry, it wont slow down your pc AT ALL,
i tested the frame rates and its completly the same.

So there you go no more black roads in the distance:  :)

[Image: gtatutp5.jpg]

Regards MidNight.

Messages In This Thread
[TUTORIAL] How to fix the "Black Roads" graphical glich in GTA SA! - by MidNight - 08-12-2010, 06:53 PM