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Guideline: Gaming-PC for your budget!
You can't really put in an SSD in a 1000€ gaming rig - especially not the new Intel Postville ones, more like SuperTalent Ultradrives.

About the SLI/CF thing your right, i was already thinking, but the _gaming power_ is higher with 2 GTX 275er then with one 285 and an 32GB windows partition SSD.

An intel postville would kill too much money, especially because SSDs dont really give you gaming power - its just boosting your  startup time, program starts and reducing  loading times of game-levels, but you wont have a noticable FPS increase, trust me, i got an SSD in my laptop and had an HDD in there before - its awesome for programs etc but no difference for gaming, besides that levels are loading a lot faster.

Besides that, SLI works pretty fine since the 180 series of nvidia drivers. SLI is much better and more efficient than CrossFire, and Nvidia also managed to reduce micro stutters (the main reason why multi-gpu got critizised) to a minimum, while they are still noticable with ATI drivers.

Messages In This Thread
Guideline: Gaming-PC for your budget! - by Hitman - 08-20-2009, 08:45 PM
Re: Guideline: Gaming-PC for your budget! - by Hitman - 08-22-2009, 12:36 PM