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You want to DJ on LVP Radio? Apply here!
Name:  Vince "Raz" Davis  (AKA DJ Raz)
In-Game Name:  DJ_Raz
Times and days you are available (in the British timezone, please):  Monday, 23:00 - 03:00
How many hours you want to broadcast?  No less than 1, no more than 4
What is DIFFERENT about your show? (Quiz, Top 15's, Requests, etc.)  Music without interruption (by the DJ, commercials, shoutouts, etc.)
What genre of music will you play?  Rock, Techno, Drum & Bass, Drill & Bass, IDM, Electronica, Hardcore, Jumpstyle
Will you talk in your show?  No

Messages In This Thread
Re: You want to DJ on LVP Radio? Apply here! - by DJ_Raz - 08-05-2009, 11:13 AM