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Development Plans
Hi there,
I would like to give you an update on how we are going to do stuff in the development from now on.

Version Updates
We have been doing regular updates the last months, however there was no system in them. From now on we are going to update on a regular base, being once a week on a sunday. If there are hotfixes we can add of course update earlier.
This weekly update will (for the first few weeks) include as much bugfixes as possible. However, from now on we are also going to add a player feature into the gamemode every week. This can go from new commands to new races or to updates they really like, like bigger banks.
Also, we are going to do do a monthly update from now on, which will be done the first sunday of the month. This update will be for larger stuff, like new handlers, completly new minigames, or large new features like for example a gang handler. The new version will be tested the saterdaynight before the monthly update will take place.
I have still gotta think about how to do it with the version numbers blaat

Blog updates
From now on, we will post an update at the development blog every two weeks on a sunday too. These updates will have to include the changes of the last two weeks, which can be easily copied from the Changelog which we of course always update when updating the gamemode. You can also talk about upcoming functions and general stuff. I will ask people to write one or write one myself.

Other communication to players
To keep players up to date we will add a /changelog into the gamemode, and tell players about that command when they join. This will get updated just before we update on the main server. This way we can show players who don't check the forum the changes and updates too.
I was also thinking about randomly taking some text from the ingame changelog and output it to players like: New in this version: FEATURE

Internal Communication
From now on, every bug that gets reported or feature that makes it through CSI will be added on the todo.sa-mp.nl again. The last months most bugs have been fixed out of topics, but with more developers we need better communication, and with the todo that will go more easily.
Also, if you script any new code for within the gamemode, please add some comments or tell what it does, this will help others to find out what your code does.

Priority list
And last, a priority list of things that need to be fixed:
- Cars disappearing (BUG)
- Things not saving after crash (BUG)
- A gang handler that saves stuff (feature) and small bugs (bug) to be done meanwhile
- House handler so VIPS can build their own houses
- Other Features

Please post any ideas and suggestions you have here.


Messages In This Thread
Development Plans - by Fireburn - 05-10-2009, 09:54 PM