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Nickname: lanser<nl>
Date of the ban: 4 juni 2007
uspected Reason: /
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Admin that banned you: ?

I joint de cruise !! in de middel of the cruis some one stole mij motorbike!!
and he started to tormet me! ! ik got so mad! and i responded bij saying a few bad words like. `Nigger`
and i got ban for saying this, iam no rasist! i just used this as a cursing word!!

Iam sorry if I affended some one!
het spijt me als ik iemand beledigd heb! --NL

greets lanser<nl>

Messages In This Thread
[unbanned]banned! - by lanser123 - 06-06-2007, 05:37 PM
Re: banned! - by slein - 06-07-2007, 08:53 AM